This is another one of Martha Stewart’s recipes varied vegan style.
They are sweet and tart and oh so yummy.
3/4 Cups Earth Balance (non-hydrogenated vegan butter/margerine)
1 Cup Confectioners’ Sugar
Finely Grated Zest of 2 Limes
2 Tablespoons fresh Lime Juice
1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract
1 3/4 Cups Plus 2 Tablespoons Flour
2 Tablespoons Cornstarch
1/4 Teaspoon salt
Put butter and 1/3 cup confectioners sugar into the bowl of an electric mixer and mix on medium until fluffy.
Add lime zest and juice and vanilla and mix a few seconds more.
In a separate bowl whisk together flour cornstarch and salt.
Add to butter mixture and mix on low speed until just combined.
DIvide dough in half on a 6×12 piece of parchment paper. Roll paper to form a log 1 1/14 inches in diameter. Refrigerate at least an hour.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Unwrap logs and cut into 1/4 inch rounds. Place on parchment lined cookie sheets and bake until barely golden (about7-12 minutes depending on your oven).
While still warm, after cooling 8-10 minutes, toss cookies gently in remaining confectioners’ sugar in a zip lock bag until coated.