Vegan Inspiration - vegan recipes

Vegan cooking Inspiration

I admit it. I’ve eaten chocolate for breakfast and popcorn for supper.

I LOVE cooking even more than I love eating but every once in a while a day comes along where I am so completely void of inspiration and/or motivation that the though of cooking makes me want to crawl under a rock and I’d just as soon eat lint balls than open the fridge.

So, for the days where you’re out of popcorn, here are a few ideas to help stir up a little inspiration:

Pull out and dust off the cookbooks you haven’t used in years. You don’t have to make an exact recipe but the photos and ingredients might get the wheels turning.

Take a trip to the farmer’s market or local grocery store and browse the produce isles. Sometimes seeing a plump avocado or mango or a fragrant bunch of fresh basil or rosemary will spark ideas all on its’ own.

Browse recipes on a non-vegetarian web-site and take on the challenge to vegan-ize it.

Browse some vegan sites too. Here are just a few:

The Vegan Project
Veg Web
The Post Punk Kitchen
Chef Chloe
Bryanna Clark Grogan
Show Me Your Veggies
Vegan Cooking
Abbey’s Vegetarian Recipes

My oldest daughter recently moved out of the house but still calls me when she’s out of ideas.

“Mom, what should I make for supper?”
Call a random friend or family member and ask them what they would eat if they could have any meal on earth.

Use your facebook or twitter status to call for ideas

Peta’s Vegan College Cookbook has a quiz you can take HERE to help brainstorm when you’re stuck for meal ideas. They have a variety of snacks meals and deserts, from Spin-Art Dip to Sloppy Joels to Chocolate Break-Up Pudding.
Try it out!

What do you do when your kitchen creativity is lagging?

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