What is the difference between vegan food and non-vegan food? The truth is, it's hard to find a vegetarian salad at a restaurant these days, much less a vegan one.
How to incorporate more legumes into your diet
“Legume” typically refers to pulses, which are the edible seeds of leguminous plants. Beans, chickpeas. lentils, peas, and soybeans are the most common varieties of pulses. Other well-known legumes that are not considered pulses include fresh alfalfa, carob, clover, lupins, mesquite, peanuts, and tamarind. Legumes are typically low in calories,…
Vegan and Vegetarian FAQ Q. Aren’t humans natural carnivores? A. Actually, a vegetarian diet suits the human body better than a diet that includes meat. Carnivorous animals have claws, short digestive tracts, and long, curved fangs. Humans have flat, flexible nails, and our so-called “canine” teeth are minuscule compared to…
Vegan Protein
*The RDA recommends that the average adult take in 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram that we weigh (or about 0.36 grams of protein per pound that we weigh) BEANS 25% of the the calories comes from protein 5% from fat. STEAK 20% of the calories is from protein…
Vegan Protein
If I had a nickle for every time somebody told me that vegans don’t get enough protein I might actually be able to get the rent paid on time once in a while. And if North Americans were as obsessed with whole grains and fresh vegetable as they are with…