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Vegan Cream Of Mushroom Soup

Plant Based Cream Of Mushroom Soup
Vegan Cream Of Mushroom Soup
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  1. 1 Tablespoon vegan butter
  2. 2 Teaspoons Olive Oil
  3. 1 Clove Garlic, peeled and minced
  4. 3 Shallots, peeled and sliced
  5. 1 Stalk chopped celery
  6. 1 Cup sliced White Button Mushrooms
  7. 1 Medium Portobello Mushroom
  8. 2 Dried Shitaki Mushrooms
  9. 1 Cup Vegetable broth
  10. 1 Cup Non-Dairy Cream ( I used Belsoy)
  11. 1 Cup Soy Milk
  12. 1 Cup Hot Water
  13. 1/4 Cup Red Wine
  14. 1 Tsp Dry Green Thyme
  15. Salt and Pepper to taste
  1. Soak Shitake mushroom in the hot water for about 20 minutes.
  2. Slice mushrooms once soft and cool enough to handle and put the mushroom water aside for later.
  3. Sauté Shallots, garlic, and celery in butter and olive oil until they begin to turn translucent.
  4. Add Thyme and Mushrooms and continue to cook over a medium low until the mushrooms are softened.
  5. Add wine and stir.
  6. Add broth, mushroom water, cream and soy milk.
  7. Reduce heat and simmer for at least 20 minutes or until soup reduces and almost at its desired consistency.
  8. Add Salt and pepper and stir.
  9. Remove half the soup from the pot and allow to cool down enough to be added to a blender or food processor; Puré and return to the soup that remains in the pot.
  10. stir, serve and enjoy.
Sweet Vegan Living
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