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Holistic Nutrition Coaching

Holistic Nutritionist


Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health and wellness, focusing on the body’s natural healing abilities. Naturopathy focuses on the whole person, not just the symptoms, and aims to identify the underlying causes of any health issues. Naturopathy services are based on the principles of prevention, education, and natural treatment.

Ready to adopt positive habits and make meaningful, lasting changes

that will transform your life?

Holistic Nutritionist

Holistic Nutrition / Nutritherapy

Holistic nutrition takes a comprehensive approach to health and wellness, considering how nutrition impacts not only physical health but also mental health and overall quality of life. 

Ready to take your health and nutrition to the next level and see long-lasting results? 

Vegan Fig Cake

Vegan / Plant-Based Nutrition& Lifestyle Coaching

REMOTE/ONLINE SESSIONS: All sessions are available online and remotely via Zoom

INSURANCE RECEIPTS:  Receipts are automatically provided but please note that everyone’s medical insurance policy is different.  In some cases, your insurance provider may not allow claims for Nutrition or Naturopathy.

GIFT CERTIFICATES: Gift certificates are available for all services and packages here!

CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the scheduled meeting are subject to a cancellation fee.

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