Makes 2 servings
4 cups V8 or other thick vegetable juice
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp vegan Worcestershire sauce
A dash of hot sauce ( to taste )
The juice of 1/2 a fresh lemon juice
The Juice of a fresh lime juice
1/2 tsp celery seed
A dash of Spike, Herbamare or salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper
Vodka, to taste (at least 1 ounce per serving)
Garnish: celery salt, lemon, lime, celery stalks, ice
*Option for that hint of (oyster) fishiness that non-vegan Caesars sometimes have, you can add a pinch of kelp powder or granules.
Rim a glass with lime and celery salt. Fill glass with ice, add all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Dress with fresh celery and citrus wedges.