Log Cabin Room Spray – DIY Air freshener
I love beautiful scents but I find artificial room sprays suffocating and headache inducing. I was in a waiting room recently that had a plug in air freshener with a fan on it, that not only emitted this horrible chemical stench, but blew it directly into your face as you sat waiting for your name to be called.
Also, as I recently wrote a post about, even if you like the smell, most artificial “fragrant” products contain very harmful chemical garbage that you don’t want in your lungs anyway.
HOWEVER! If you, like I do, love nice smelling things, especially things that hide the fact that your dog, like mine, smells like ripe Dorito chips, do not despair! I have a bunch of lovely DIY recipes for you, including this one that will make your living room smell like a cozy log cabin on an autumn afternoon. Enjoy!
- 25 drops spruce or pine essential oil
- 20 drops fir essential oil
- 15 drops cedar essential oil
- 16 oz. empty spray bottle
- 8 oz. distilled water
- 2 oz. organic witch hazel
Combine distilled water and witch hazel in spray bottle
Add essencial oils
Shake vigorously before spraying – as the oils can separate from the water, even with the help of the witch hazel.