“A guilty New York Liberal decides to practice what he preaches for one year. Turns off the electricity, stops making garbage, gives up TV,Taxis and take out and becomes a walking bicycling composting tree-hugging polar bear saving local food-eating citizen. All while taking his baby daughter and caffeine loving retail-obsessed…
Sea Sponges
On my path to being as eco-friendly as possible, I stopped buying dish sponges from the grocery store and switched to kitchen loofahs. I bought some for the bath too. While I was tempted to buy a few of the soft sea sponges also,…
Georges Laraque
He was once “The toughest guy in the NHL” and is now an advocate for the ethical treatment of animals, gay rights and relief efforts in Haiti.
The Vegan Boardroom
Well, well, well. Looks like the word “vegan” might finally be going mainstream. Gone (or at least going) are the days that being a vegetarian automatically means that you’re a “flaky, tree hugging hippie” when the likes of Steve Wynn, Russell Simmons, Mort Zuckerman and Bill Clinton are advocating on…
Vegan Liquors
I don’t know if it’s because I am naive or just very new to the research of strict veganism but in my 22 years of vegetarianism, it never once occurred to me that any alcoholic beverages wouldn’t be vegan until now. So. Here, courtesy of barnivore.com is a list of…