Despite internet rumors that Beastie Boy, MCA (Adam Yauch), is officially cancer free just eighteen months after being diagnosed with a tumor in his salivary gland, Adam announced on the Beastie Boys official site this week: “While I’m grateful for all the positive energy people are sending my way, reports…
Happy New Year 2011!
Happy New Year! New years. A time to sit down and evaluate what’s working and what’s not and what you’re going to do about it. My list was long this year but one of the things that definitely is working for me is Sweet Vegan and all of you awesome…
Vegan cooking Inspiration
I admit it. I’ve eaten chocolate for breakfast and popcorn for supper. I LOVE cooking even more than I love eating but every once in a while a day comes along where I am so completely void of inspiration and/or motivation that the though of cooking makes me want to…
What Should I eat?
Here’s a little game to help get the juices flowing when you’re running low on culinary inspiration… Peta’s Vegan College Cookbook Quiz: