Aloe Vera is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years and apparently has many great qualities. Aloe has been known to...
Thistle Root Chai
This Thistle Root Chai recipe is creamy, vegan, slightly sweet and spicy, perfect warm or cold, raw or cooked, caffeinated or not.
Jen Of All Trades Master Of Sprouts
I buy a lot of sprouts and I always feel guilty tossing the plastic box in the bin when it’s empty. I think often of making my own sprouts but never get around to it. Never got around to it… up until now, that is! Check it out!! Such immediate…
Raw Food Diet
It is believed by raw foodists that heating food above 116 degrees F destroys enzymes in food that can assist in the digestion and absorption of food. Cooking is also thought to diminish the nutritional value and “life force” of food. There are many obvious health benefits including weight and…