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Brilliantly simple yet delicious Bruschetta

Bruschetta recipe
This is so quick and easy to make and delicious on toasted baguette, crackers, mixed greens etc... We've been known to thrown it on fresh pasta and my daughter eats it with a spoon, straight out out of the bowl.
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  1. 1 1/2 cups (roughly) of diced ripe cherry tomatoes. Any tomato will do but they must be ripe and juicy.
  2. 1 TBS Balsamic vinegar
  3. 2 TBS Olive oil
  4. 6-10 Fresh basil leaves
  5. 2-3 Crushed or minced cloves of garlic
  6. Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Combine above ingredients let sit for at least 30 minutes and serve
Sweet Vegan Living
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