Aloe Vera is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years and apparently has many great qualities. Aloe has been known to…
- Accelerate the healing of burns
- Contain powerful antioxidants and antibacterial properties
- Detoxify
- Support the immune system
- Lower cholesterol and blood sugar
- Aid digestion.
- Boost vitamin and mineral intake.
- Promote hair growth.
- When used as a rinse, helps reduce dental plaque build up
- Help reduce and prevent acne
- Hydrate skin
To name just a few…
I buy Aloe branches at a Mexican grocery store in Montreal, but I’ve seen them around other produce shops and markets.
Step 1: Wash and slice the leaf into manageable halved pieces:
Step 4: Scoop the gel with a spoon and put it in a clean container:
It’s That easy!
I put the gel in the blender or nutribullet for just a couple of seconds to liquefy it – that way it’s easier to use and to integrate into beverages, lotions, and other recipes.