• Lifestyle

    Being Vegan

    Again, I have met many vegans who live by many different guidelines but technically speaking, vegan-ism is a diet that excludes meat, eggs, honey, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products, such as refined white sugar and…

  • Lifestyle

    Being Vegetarian

    Different types of vegetarians have different dietary  inclusions. When people ask me what being a vegetarian means, I tell them that being vegetarian means different things to different people. I know “vegetarians” who eat fish ( Pesco Vegetarian ) and I know “vegetarians” who call themselves” lacto vegetarian” (a vegetarian…

  • Health - Lifestyle

    Vegetarian Athletes

    One of the most common concerns people have about adopting a vegetarian lifestyle is that they will lose strength, due to the lack of meat protein in their diets. Um… maybe it’s just me but none of these vegetarians look hungry to me and I, for one, am not in…